Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My Ayahuasca Trip


My journey in life has led me to an unbelievable realization about the world we live in. The interconnected ether that binds and units all life is right within our reach. But sometimes we need a little help to unlock our capabilities and faith. In my case, it was not until I had ventured to Costa Rica to participate in a shaman ayahuasca ceremony that I was able to unleash my spirit and heal my soul. 

However, when I was first researching the topic, there were convincing arguments as to why I should and why I shouldn't take the step. This is a personal decision that should not be taken lightly. That is why I am writing about my experience. 

A year ago, I was in a bad way. I was recently divorced, lost custody of my kids, and addicted to painkillers. A friend that I grew up with was showing real concern, but I kept pushing her away. She could see that I was struggling and finally got me to go out with her. While eating dinner, we discussed my troubles and she was throwing everything at me. Meditation, yoga, support groups and so on. I told her that meditation  wasn't really helping and I wasn't so keen on joining any support groups. 

That's when she broke out with a tale of her ayahuasca trip in Costa Rica. She told me of a place that was built for healing and transformation. Shaman ayahuasca ceremonies that opened her mind and soul to a new spiritual awakening. She told me of the visions and experience the ayahuasca brew had given her. I wasn't completely convinced, but she spoke so passionately that I was definitely intrigued. 

So I did some research and found out about the side effects and despite the vomiting, I had heard enough stories to get me to take the plunge. I would try just about anything to get my life together and stop the constant pain. I found a trustworthy ayahuasca resort that was in a safe Costa Rica tourist-friendly area and was on my way.

Upon my arrival, I could feel a healing energy. I knew I was in the right place. Luckily this retreat had a fully licensed medical staff to make sure everything was taken care of. I was instructed to create a point focus that I wanted to unlock upon my ayahuasca journey. I wanted to know what was the root of all my woes. 

I'm not going to lie. The tea was gross and I did throw up...a lot. But after the vomiting, I felt good. I don't recall how long it had been but I started to see the universe unlock into very defined geometrical shapes that seemed to speak to my mind. Than I was taken to another place unlike any I have ever seen. I was among the starts as if we were an audience at a concert. 

I could see what felt like everything breathing and moving along precharted paths and it all seemed to make sense. That is when I heard a voice say, "Beth!" It was loud but comforting. I answered, "Yes." "What are you doing here?" the voice asked me. I responded, "I want to know why my life is in such turmoil." The voice said, "Because you are unable to forgive yourself. Let it go." Then I could see a ball of garbage that I was holding on to. Just holding. All of my pain, grief, tears just holding on to. I thought it made me strong or something. And then I realized I needed to let it go. I just let go and instantly I could feel a cloud lift off of my head. I could forgive myself. I could love again. The rest of the night was full of wonderful new discoveries as well.

I felt like a new person. I was a new person. Everyone I knew could tell that something had happened to me. I owe my happiness to the trip that my good friend had convinced me to take. I don't think that ayahuasca is for everyone, but if you have pain that you can't get rid of, it can be a wonderful healer.   


Made from the vine Banisteriopsis caapi (called caapi) and the leaf Psychotria viridis, (known as chakruna), ayahuasca is used in mind-altering shaman ceremonies to heal people afflicted with physical, mental, and emotional disorders. Ayahuasca is known throughout Central America as "la medicina" or "the medicine" is used in sacred ceremonies. The combination of these two plants provides an intense hallucinogenic experience many feel as a spiritual awakening as a side effect of the healing brew.   

People are recently flocking to the Amazon to experience these side effects. Some feel that the hallucinogenic experience attributed to the ayahuasca concoction acts as a doorway to the spirit world. With guided shaman experiences, many have even claimed to have experienced miracles. There are even ayahuasca resorts in Costa Rica with shaman-guided spirit-cleansing journeys that are built around creating these miracles and life-transforming spiritual awakenings.

The ayahuasca experience typically involves seeing geometric shapes and can have very intense hallucinations. These hallucinations are a result of the drug DMT found in the chakruna plant and the MOA inhibitor found in the caapi plant. With the MOA restricted from blocking the DMT,